Secretary Desk

01-07-2024 Jaipur Club Ltd

Respected Members,

Congratulations to the Indian Cricket team for winning the T20 World Cup! The team's collective efforts has secured the ICC trophy for the sixth time.

The heat last month was relentless, but so was our commitment to making this a great summer at JCL. The regular Housie have now been shifted to the Banquet Hall, which has been well appreciated by our members of our second home. The Bollywood musical evening by Indira Naik and her group was perfectly timed and greatly enjoyed by everyone Their performance kept the members on their feet.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Ranoo Srivastava, Mr. Sanjay Madan, Dr. Bharat Grover and our dedicated event organizer for their tireless efforts.

                                                                                                                                With Warm Regards

(Vishal Kaushal)

Honorary Secretary